Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) is pleased to launch the Industry RD&I Fellowship Programme 2024 which seeks to support academia-industry interactions to address industry‐informed challenges. Awards under this programme can be made to academic researchers (at faculty, postdoctoral and late-stage PhD level) wishing to spend time in industry worldwide through the temporary placement of academic researchers with an industry partner. 

Fellowships can have a duration of between 1 and 12 months if full-time, and between 2 and 24 months if part-time. Grants awarded under this programme will be subject to the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) under EU State aid guidelines. As such, the SFI funding rate will vary from 25% to a maximum of 80% of total project costs depending on the size of the industry partner company and the category of research being undertaken, with the industry partner contributing the remainder of the project costs. The maximum SFI contribution to the Fellowship costs is €100,000 direct costs. Please refer to the 2024 Programme Call document for further details.  

The following updates have been made to the programme:   

  • For the 2024 call, the programme will operate through a single call for proposals with one submission deadline.  
  • A new applicant category (Category C) has been introduced to allow PhD students who are registered at an eligible Irish Research Body and who are in the final 6 months of their studies to apply to the programme.
  • A short handbook for companies interested in partnering in the programme is available from the downloads section below. It provides a brief overview of the programme and how companies can participate. 

We are currently running a pilot matchmaker tool (Microsoft Form) to help connect researchers and companies.  Interested parties can fill in a short online form, linked below, outlining their expertise (applicants) or project requirements (company) and if there is a ‘match’ SFI will make a connection. 

Fellowship Applicants 

Partner Companies 

Please note that the information submitted will be shared within SFI for matchmaking purposes. We would ask that you do not include any additional personal or sensitive data. The information you provide will be kept confidential and stored securely. Only nominated staff, authorised for this purpose, will be allowed to access this information. By submitting a form, individuals are consenting to it being shared with a potential industry partner, if a match occurs. More information is available here on SFI's Privacy Policy.

SFI also encourages applicants to also independently pursue partnering with companies as using this tool does not guarantee a match.  

SFI will prioritise processing information submitted by applicants/companies on or before 31st May 2024. This is to ensure that applicants have sufficient time to work on their applications ahead of the submission deadline.  

In addition to our Matchmaker tool there are a number of other avenues for finding a partner:

A LinkedIn group called SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship Programme has been set up by SFI to facilitate networking between academic and industry researchers. Companies are encouraged to make their interest known to the academic community, and/or to advertise specific research opportunities, by posting on this 900+ members group’s page. Academic researchers are encouraged to engage with relevant companies. Several companies have already published an advertisement and got a response – join the group today!  

The SFI researcher database and the KTI Expert database list potential academic research partners. Postdoctoral researchers do not appear in these databases – companies can identify the appropriate team leader from the database and contact them to discuss whether there are eligible researchers in their group (faculty and/or postdoctoral researchers). The Research Offices of the Irish academic and research institutions may also assist companies in identifying prospective academic partners.  

Note: Prior to commencing your search for a partner, please refer to the Industry RD&I Fellowship Call document to understand the eligibility criteria associated with this programme. Academic and industry partners should jointly prepare an application. The academic researcher will submit the application to SFI via SESAME, SFI’s grants and awards management system.  Additionally, industry partners will be required to provide SFI with the latest set of financial records and financial declarations.  

For general queries, including eligibility queries, applicants are advised to contact the Research Office of the Research Body to whom they intend to submit their application. For additional information or clarification, contact  

SFI recognises that excellent research stems from diverse and inclusive teams, which reflect our society and the communities we serve. As such, SFI aspires to proactively lead in driving the EDI agenda forward through the research and research teams that it funds. 

In SFI’s External Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy 203-2028 increasing the number of women and members of Historically Underserved Communities in Applicant Teams are key objectives. As such, women and members of Historically Underserved Communities are strongly encouraged to apply to this programme. Applications are welcome from those wishing to return to employment following a career break. 

Whilst gender data fields on the SFI Grants and Awards Management System, SESAME, have been expanded to encompass more inclusive gender identifiers, SFI has decided to continue with the objective of increasing the representation of women in the higher education sector for the purpose of this Industry RD&I Fellowship Programme Call. Therefore, the gender tiebreak criterion previously deployed, which has been successful in meeting this objective, has been retained for this Call. As such, when ranking applications, in the event of applications receiving the same final score, SFI will give priority in the review process to applications from woman lead applicants. 

The 2024 SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship programme will operate through a single call for proposals with one submission deadline. The submission deadline is 13:00 (Dublin local time) on 26th June 2024.  

All proposals are to be submitted via SESAME, SFI’s online grants and awards management system. If accessing SESAME for the first time, researchers should contact their local Research Office to get access to the system.  

For more information, view the SESAME User Guides or read the SESAME Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).  

Please note that SFI expects a high volume of applications to be submitted to this programme and has limited SESAME helpdesk resources. To avoid any delays in submission, researchers should familiarise themselves with the SESAME system and online help resources provided well in advance of the SFI and institutional internal call deadlines.  

Queries relating to SESAME which are not answered in the SESAME FAQ document referred to above should first be directed to your Research Body’s Research Office. If still unresolved, queries should be e-mailed to Please be aware that the response time for queries may be up to 5 working days.  

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Dr Aisling McEvoy, Head of Enterprise Partnerships at SFI, provides a description of the SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship Programme 2024.


SFI hosted a webinar on the 11th of April 2024. You can watch a recording on Youtube here or view below.

A PDF of the slides are available to view here.

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SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship Programme Webinar

SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship Programme Experiences

Dr Marco Monopoli

Dr Marco Monopoli, a lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at RCSI, was awarded an SFI Industry Fellowship* award in 2016 to spend time at Ludger Ltd. in the United Kingdom to develop glycoprofiling technologies for biological therapeutics. Read about Dr Monopoli’s experience as a former SFI Industry Fellow here.   

“The best science is collaborative but the SFI Industry Fellowship is something more impactful than that. In my case, it allowed me to have a year of total immersion in an industry environment where I learned new techniques and methods that I am now routinely implementing in my laboratory after my return to academia.” 

What were your research interests at the time? 

When I applied to the SFI Industry Fellowship, I was a senior postdoctoral fellow in UCD working in Prof. Kenneth Dawson’s research group. I was studying the effects of biological fluid and environmental media on nanoparticle behaviour, to understand and predict their potential toxicity. In the last year of my postdoctoral fellowship, I developed my interest in glycobiology when I had the opportunity to collaborate with Professor Pauline Rudd in NIBRT, a world-renowned leader on this topic. 

What drew you to the SFI Industry Fellowship?  

The all-too-common state of career limbo that many postdoctoral researchers find themselves in creates strong feelings of doubt and uncertainty about the future. The SFI Industry Fellowship spoke to me because it was specifically tailored to the development of the postdoctoral researcher, and I knew this was the right programme for me. Another thing was its bottom-up approach to funding which gave me the motivation to pursue the research that I was most passionate about. Preparing for career grants can be incredibly time consuming which causes high levels of anxiety and limits your ability to plan too far ahead. The SFI Industry Fellowship application process was straightforward and much less complex than other funding schemes and also had a much higher success rate. It was clear to me what was being asked of me, and this made the process more accessible and less intimidating. I would describe it as being like a Q&A style of application so writing the proposal felt very natural. 

How did you go about finding an industry partner? 

Bridging the academia-industry gap is difficult! At the beginning, I was a bit scared to send out emails to companies. I wish I had been more proactive about this. I think you could try a hundred different things and if one of those things works then you are lucky! You should have a strong idea of what it is you want to do and which companies operate in that space. Identify topics in the R&D space that excite you and make a list of keywords. When scoping out companies, check to see if they have a track record of securing funding? Are they open to academic collaborations? Use your existing network. Check the employer’s LinkedIn profile, do you have any mutual connections here? Ask for an introduction. At the time, I knew there must be some company working in the glycobiology space that is a partner on a European level project (that’s how I got the partnership with Ludger Ltd. who I found on the European Commission website). Ultimately, it’s a bilateral partnership so you need to be strategic and offer something that will also be of value to the company. Be confident in your abilities and be generous with your skill set.  

Do you have any additional advice for applicants hoping to apply to the SFI Industry Fellowship?  

Don’t be afraid, reach out to companies often and early. You may need to be very patient waiting for a response from a company director. In my case, it took weeks. Know your worth – postdoctoral researchers are highly trained scientists that are extremely valuable to companies. We are often most comfortable when talking to other scientists and academics but there can be a much broader infrastructure behind you. I was lucky to have the support of the technology transfer office (TTO) in UCD who were friendly, approachable and brought a lot of knowledge around IP and possible inventions. They were enthusiastic and open to having those talks with me. Engage with your TTO/innovation office as soon as possible.  

What impact did the SFI Industry Fellowship have on your career? 

My Industry Fellowship was a lot like a sabbatical. Without the added responsibilities of teaching or supervising, it gave me the time and space I needed to apply myself fully, think more deeply about what I could develop and how I could plan for the next stage of my career. I was highly active in the laboratory from day one and was treated like any other team member. We learned a great deal from each other by sharing knowledge and solving problems through our collaborative work. After I returned to Ireland and joined RCSI, I had built a much stronger professional network. When it comes to applying for the next grant that Ludger also fits, I know that I can pick up the phone and we can have that conversation – we have so many ideas! I also bought equipment that I now know how to use and could continue to do what I did at Ludger. For example, with the new machines, I was able to secure two other European grants where this expertise was needed. I believe I couldn’t have achieved this in a solely academic setting.  

Dr Marco Monopoli is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at RCSI where he is establishing a multidisciplinary laboratory focused on obtaining a complete understanding of the mechanisms of interaction between nanomaterials and living systems.  

*The SFI Industry Fellowship Programme was re-launched in 2021 as “Industry RD&I Fellowship Programme"

Associate Professor Marcus Baumann

Dr Marcus Baumann, Associate Professor of Continuous Flow Chemistry and Lecturer at University College Dublin, was awarded an SFI Industry Fellowship* in 2020 to spend time at Almac Group Ltd. in Craigavon, Northern Ireland, to collaborate on the development of technologies for manufacturing chemical intermediates and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) via the synergetic marriage of continuous flow and biocatalytic processes.

Can you tell us a bit about your research background?

My background is in Organic Chemistry. In 2017, I moved to Ireland to join University College Dublin (UCD) as an Assistant Professor in Continuous Flow Chemistry to pursue an independent research career. I currently lead the Baumann Research Group. We are a synthetic chemistry group exploiting flow reactor technology in combination with photochemistry and biocatalysis to create molecules with interesting biological properties. Continuous flow chemistry is practical for industrial applications because it allows for faster reaction times and a scaled-up process, better quality product and critically, the ability to perform chemistry that is difficult or impossible to do in batch mode. It also produces less waste which makes it a lot safer and environmentally more friendly.

How did the partnership with Almac Group come about?  

I first met Professor Tom Moody (Almac’s VP of Technology Development and Commercialisation) in 2018 at an event in Manchester where I had delivered a talk. Almac have extensive expertise in biocatalysis (using enzymes to do chemical transformations) which is a highly valued enabling technology for pharmaceutical research and development. It was something I didn’t have a lot of hands-on experience in at the time. Almac were also interested in continuous flow chemistry, an area I had already been working in for more than 7 years. It was an opportunity to marry the two technologies. Shortly after, I travelled to Almac's site at Craigavon and delivered a presentation. In the 6 months leading up to the Fellowship there was some back and forth as we discussed options for collaboration.

What drew you to the SFI Industry Fellowship?  

I applied to the SFI Industry Fellowship Programme in 2019. It was Dr Megan Smyth (Team Leader at Almac Group Ltd.) that introduced me to the SFI Industry Fellowship. As an established faculty researcher with an independent group, it was an opportunity for me to extend my research portfolio into industrially relevant fields and in turn, an opportunity for Almac to further expand their existing flow chemistry platforms. The chemical and pharmaceutical sector in Ireland is large and biocatalysis and flow chemistry are both recognised as key technologies to produce sustainable chemicals globally. So, of course there is a lot of interest from academia in training students in these newer technologies. Comparably, there is also the interest from industry to hire people that have these skills. In this way, my research lab was a perfect match for Almac and the SFI Industry Fellowship was an ideal entry point for meaningful collaboration.

How did you benefit from the SFI Industry Fellowship?  

The SFI Industry Fellowship was invaluable in getting the collaboration with Almac up and running. Synergy and transfer of knowledge and expertise were a priority. It offered me insights into working with enzymes in flow which is something we will certainly intensify in our lab. Another benefit was the open-dialogue and exchange of ideas that took place throughout. It has allowed us to work on a number of interesting and industry-relevant projects, jointly publish our results while also still achieving the objectives outlined in the Fellowship proposal. We currently have 6 joint-publications and are working on a 7th. We have since been featured on the cover of the Journal of Organic Chemistry and the European Journal of Organic Chemistry. It also allowed us to apply for, and secure, extra funding to recruit postgraduates that we are jointly supervising. For example, I was recently awarded a Frontiers for the Future grant from SFI (Almac Group are a collaborator). I was able to reduce my teaching hours which was crucial at the beginning to get things off the ground. I spent a lot of time at Almac's site at Craigavon where I saw how research is carried out in an industrial environment and have since transferred some of these insights back to my own lab at UCD. 

What additional advice can you give to other faculty researchers thinking about applying?  

Having an established industry contact early on was a huge advantage and accelerated the process. Approach the fellowship as a stepping-stone to expand your industry network. When engaging with companies, have a strong idea of what you want to achieve with a partnership and have a good strategy in place in terms of shared research. Almac Group Ltd. are a company that are very open to publishing which meant that we were productive throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and it brought a lot of positive exposure and visibility to the partnership. This is good for me as an academic but also for the postgraduate students that were involved in the research. I would say that the Fellowship was the driving force behind our continued collaboration with Almac today. Applicants should keep this in mind whether you are a senior postdoctoral researcher or already starting to build an independent career in research.  

“Almac Group Ltd. strongly values collaboration with academia. The success of this SFI Industry Fellowship has generated positive exposure and visibility to our company within the research community at UCD and across Ireland. The breadth of complementary expertise Marcus brought to the partnership was invaluable and has allowed us to perform high-quality research at an accelerated pace and present case studies to our customers. It has also proven to be an excellent mechanism for attracting and retaining talented scientists with the necessary skills and expertise. Overall, it was a very successful partnership  and we look forward to continued collaboration with Marcus and his research group.” 
-              Dr Megan Smyth (Team Leader at Almac Group Ltd.) 
*The SFI Industry Fellowship Programme was re-launched in 2021 as “Industry RD&I Fellowship Programme”.

Dr James Murray

Dr James Murray, a former postdoctoral researcher at Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), was awarded an SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship in 2022 to spend time at DePuy Synthes in Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork and the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) 3D Printing Center of Excellence (Jacksonville, FL, USA) to work on the recovery of additively manufactured polyetheretherketone (PEEK) for reuse in orthopedic implants.

Can you tell us a bit about your research background?

My background is in composites and manufacturing processes. I was awarded a PhD by the University of Edinburgh in 2020 having worked on the development of a manufacturing process to produce a high-performance recyclable alternative to metals and thermoset composites for structural automotive parts. I returned to Ireland then and joined TUS as a postdoctoral researcher and led several research projects in bio-based pigments and biopolymer development.

What drew you to the SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship?

I was thinking a lot about the future and what direction I wanted my career to go in at the time. I knew that I wanted to work at the forefront of research, development and innovation and saw myself making that transition to industry eventually, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that I was in a hurry to leave academia either. The SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship was the perfect vehicle for me to bridge that gap and explore what a career in industry could offer without cutting those ties to academia completely. It’s a very supportive programme in that way. Colleagues of mine have taken similar routes to the one I am currently undertaking (transferring from academia to industry) and their advice was also helpful to me in the beginning.

How did you go about finding a suitable industry partner?

Coming from a composites background, I wanted to continue working with high-performance materials like titanium and PEEK so naturally the medical devices industry in Ireland, given its size and influence spoke to me. With medical devices, I was particularly interested in implantable devices in orthopedics due to the structural nature of the materials which require the ability to support high loads, be flexible and withstand impact. I began brainstorming ideas and researching companies in this space. Fortunately, I had a contact in Depuy Synthes in Cork, who I knew had a background in metals and worked on these types of implants so I reached out to him, we set up a call and I pitched my ideas. As it turned out he would become one of my industry mentors. There was some back-and-forth and while the project I ended up working on was very different to the one I proposed, I really got a lot out of that initial experience.

How did you benefit from the SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship?

My prior knowledge and experience of 3D printing prior to the Fellowship programme was limited and it offered a great opportunity to train, gain experience and expertise in some of the most advanced forms of 3D printing. Most of my R&D work was carried out in Jacksonville, Florida at the Johnson & Johnson 3D Printing Center of Excellence where I spent 10 weeks in the Spring and then another 5 weeks in Autumn. I gained a thorough understanding of the behaviour of PEEK material and the different variables affecting it. My supervisor in Jacksonville, was an expert in 3D printing polymers. Through general conversations, project planning and review, I gained a lot of knowledge from them and was exposed to methodologies they use in areas such as experimental design and statistical engineering. If and when I manage a team in the future, their leadership style would be inspirational and valuable to me. When I wasn’t in the US, I was based at Depuy Synthes in Cork, where I was working on the analytical and reporting elements of the project. The Fellowship gave me a good understanding of how priorities differ between industry and academia.

What advice would you give to applicants?

Be strategic about the companies you engage with and choose them wisely. DePuy Synthes were already familiar with the SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship and were enthusiastic to collaborate. Reach out to your network from college, some of them could have at least five years’ worth of experience in industry by then. Take full advantage of all opportunities for training and travel. I undertook an intense 12-week Data Science Programme with MIT online. I also completed training with J&J on a number of their products and surgical processes. While in Florida, I built up my network of contacts at J&J. These are people I can work with again or ask for advice regarding my own work. I would say the application itself was also a learning experience for me. I hadn’t written my own proposal before, but you learn how to be organised with planning and working budgets and timelines. You are sort of representing the University and the company so you’re managing expectations too. TUS and SFI were very supportive throughout the process so don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Dr James Murray is currently employed as a Manufacturing Engineer at DePuy Synthes in Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork.

Dr Ming Zhao

Dr Ming Zhao, a senior postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Biosystems and Food Engineering at University College Dublin (UCD), was awarded an SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship in 2021 to spend time at Lakeland Dairies Group where she is working on the development and validation of Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) for in-line and on-line application in the dairy industry.

Can you tell us a bit about your project?
I’m developing process analytical technology (PAT) tools for in-line real time monitoring of dairy powder processes using advanced control strategies including machine learning and deep learning algorithms to enable enhanced control of dairy manufacturing processes. PAT finds its origins in pharmaceutical manufacturing control, but is especially useful in dairy processing, specifically for functional dairy products such as milk formula powders. For PAT applications, we need advanced sensors and software for online process monitoring and control from raw material to end-product. This project will facilitate the Irish dairy industry to improve product quality, reduce out-of-specification products while also developing sustainable competitive enterprises and enhance sustainable food production and processing in Ireland.

What drew you to the SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship?

My current academic mentor informed me about the SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship. For me, the attraction has been the opportunities to acquire new technical competencies and make valuable industry connections that benefit my career development. I’m working towards a senior position at a leading research institution or in industry. The mobility afforded through the Fellowship allows me to participate in the two-way transfer of ideas and expertise. I also wanted to gain exposure to a new network of collaborators including key dairy industry stakeholders along the dairy supply chain.

How did you go about finding a suitable industry partner?
Lakeland Dairies is a major dairy processing company in Ireland with a strong focus on the development of technical capabilities through an ongoing investment programme in staff development, collaboration with academia and new processing technologies for enhanced competitiveness. I utilised my academic network within UCD to get an introduction and had some correspondence with the Head of R&D; we had a couple of meetings and outlined potential ideas for research collaboration opportunities. Based on these discussions, we prepared an RD&I Fellowship proposal which was selected for funding. My project is also a valuable opportunity for the University to build long-term collaborations with industry.

How did you benefit from the SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship?
I was already using machine learning models and other deep learning methods combined with spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging in previous projects and publications. This Fellowship gave me an opportunity to sharpen these skills and apply them to an industrially relevant area with real-world applications. The R&D team of Lakeland Dairies was incredibly supportive of my onboarding and allowed me to co-operate with other teams for this ongoing project. I also received valuable training in processing and quality control teams on dairy technology and analysis. I got more familiar with the whole powder manufacturing process from raw material to final product. The knowledge that I acquired in this project has given me new products and process insights which I will apply in my future career as a processing engineer and researcher. The opportunity to develop my communication skills has also been a huge benefit for me whether I’m working across teams at Lakeland Dairies or managing stakeholders, talking face-to-face, listening to their ideas, authoring reports, and managing expectations.

Do you have any additional advice for applicants hoping to apply to RD&I Fellowship?    

Building a solid partnership and a shared research plan early on is crucial. Engage with the industry partners as much as you can and bring them into the process as soon as possible so that you can identify early what industry is interested in developing and avoid misaligning the project with the company’s aspirations. Growing your existing industry network is important but so is maintaining your existing network, including contacts from previous employment, they can always be useful. I have also learned that in the real-world environment of the production line, solving one problem often leads to identifying new problems or areas for process improvement that I had not considered before, these insights are not always possible in a solely academic setting. In short, don’t rule out the part-time option for a Fellowship as there is always something to work on and more time means more opportunities for research.

How does the industry partner benefit from the RD&I Fellowship?

 “Specifically, this project will have a direct impact on enhancing the in-line quality control of dairy processing with strong potential to reduce energy consumption, reduce fouling and produce more consistent dairy powder products with in-line monitoring of the quality properties. This project will also help Lakeland Dairies to achieve their overall goal of becoming an innovation focused manufacturer of superior quality, application specific food ingredients.”

-  Ms. Chere Duffy, Head of R&D at Lakeland Dairies

Dr. Karen Fox

 Dr. Karen Fox completed an SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship in 2023 at KelAda Pharmachem, a leading pharmaceutical and biotech company in Dublin. Her project contributed to developing a new synthetic pathway for precise RNA fluorination, which holds significant potential for RNA-based drug development and diagnostics. The fellowship strengthened her existing communication and technical skills, in addition to broadening her network with industry and academic professionals. Dr. Fox's experience highlights the fellowship's impact, bridging the gap between research and hands-on industry experience. 

How did you go about finding an industry partner?  

Finding the right industry partner involved a combination of proactive searching and leveraging existing connections. I began by clearly defining my research interests and identifying their potential applications in an industry setting, focusing on areas with real-world impact. I then thoroughly researched companies that were leaders in my relevant fields. KelAda stood out to me due to their commitment to green, cost-effective processes and repurposing industrial byproducts, which perfectly aligned with me. Having previously collaborated with KelAda, reaching out to them felt like a natural step. From our initial discussions, it was evident that we shared common research goals and that the fellowship would be mutually beneficial. 

Do you have any advice for applicants looking to apply for the fellowship?  

One key piece of advice is to clearly understand and articulate your research interests and career goals. Tailor your application to highlight how these align with the objectives of the fellowship and the industry partner. When I applied, I emphasized my passion for sustainable industrial practices and detailed how my skills could contribute to these goals. Additionally, make sure your CV and proposal are well-crafted and specific to the fellowship’s focus areas. Networking is also crucial; don’t hesitate to reach out to contacts in your field, attend industry events, and get advice from academic mentors. Remember, the goal is to find a partnership that is mutually beneficial, so demonstrating how you can add value to the industry partner is essential.  

How does the industry partner benefit from the RD&I Fellowship?  

“The industry partner gains significantly from hosting a fellow. Our company benefits from their advanced expertise and innovative research skills, driving R&D efforts more rapidly and effectively. This collaboration provides access to the latest academic findings and often results in tangible outputs, such as publications, boosting our IP portfolio and market competitiveness. Engaging with a postdoctoral fellow significantly propels innovation and adds value to our R&D endeavors.” 
- Brian Kelly, CEO at KelAda Pharmachem 
Quote from the Industry Partner: 
“In our collaboration with Dr. Fox, Karen was pivotal in advancing the synthesis of key precursors for radiopharmaceuticals used in PET imaging. These drugs, called PET tracers, are injected into the body and help create detailed images of how organs and tissues are functioning. Her scientific deliverables have significantly benefited KelAda, opening opportunities for partnerships and further R&D funding. Karen’s contribution has set a precedent for future projects, ensuring ongoing access to cutting-edge research, talent, and resources for KelAda. She has significantly contributed to academic research and played a crucial role in securing a Horizon Europe grant, translating academic research into industry-relevant outcomes.” 
- Brian Kelly, CEO at KelAda Pharmachem 

Dr. Petra Jagušt

Dr. Petra Jagušt, an Irish Cancer Society Research Fellow at the RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, was awarded an SFI Industry RD&I Fellowship in 2022. She worked with Dublin-based start-up, Remedy Biologics Ltd. on the project ‘Breast Cancer Immune Ecosystem-derived T Cell Therapy (SENSE)’. The project aimed to isolate and characterise immune cells, specifically tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) with the highest anti-tumour properties from patient tissue samples to improve future cell therapy options for cancer patients. Dr. Jagušt's expertise in processing primary cancer tissue, establishing patient-derived cancer organoids, and primary T-cell cultures and her knowledge of cancer cell microenvironment provided valuable insights for leading and executing this project in collaboration with RemedyBio. The fellowship significantly bolstered Dr. Jagušt’s career by validating RemedyBio’s single-cell platform and enriching her expertise in cancer cell-TIL interactions across various solid cancers, while also developing skills in project management and interdisciplinary collaboration. These experiences have established her as a key contributor in advancing translational cancer research. 

How did you go about finding an industry partner? 

After discovering the SFI RD&I Fellowship, I reached out to the Office of Research and Innovation at RCSI. They assisted me in tailoring my CV for industry, such as emphasising my practical skills over academic publications. RCSI soon provided me with a list of potential industry partners that aligned with my interests. Coincidentally, RemedyBio contacted RCSI on another matter around the same time, and we connected. From there, RemedyBio and I collaborated on designing a project that strongly aligns with both their goals and mine. 

Do you have any advice for applicants looking to apply for the fellowship? 

In terms of finding an industry partner, my best advice is to define your goals and objectives. This will help you determine the type of environment that aligns with what you want to achieve. Consider the skills you want to gain and seek out companies that can provide those opportunities. Leverage your network and research office to identify suitable companies. I highly recommend startups for the fellowship, as they expose you to various aspects of business operations and stakeholder engagement. 

What impact did the Fellowship have on your career? 

The fellowship was incredibly beneficial for my career, particularly in helping me secure my current position as an Irish Cancer Society Research Fellow at RSCI. The experience of managing my own projects and budgets was highly regarded. The hard and soft skills I acquired at RemedyBio have been invaluable in my current research. For example, my work has greatly benefited from my improved microscopy skills, and my research is now more detail-focused thanks to enhanced project management abilities. I've become adept at setting well-defined short-term goals and recognising the importance of celebrating small achievements. Additionally, my professional network has significantly expanded thanks to this Fellowship. By participating in stakeholder and investor meetings, I learned how to approach potential industry partners and establish collaborations. I now feel more confident in my ability to effectively communicate my research and present scientific data in a way that engages interest and support. 

Industry Quote 

“The RD&I Fellowship was a natural and strong fit with the company’s research and business plan to create new cancer immunotherapies exploiting our ultra-high throughput single-cell analysis platform. Our technology maps complex interactions and functions of the immune cells from patients with challenging cancer malignancies to discover new immunotherapeutic agents. The Fellowship project was very successful. Not only did it allow Dr. Jagušt to provide key expertise in the areas of primary breast cancer, patient-derived cancer organoids and primary T cell culture, but the project results also supported the development of RemedyBio’s therapeutic discovery platform.” 
- Dr. Vega-Carrascal, Director of Operations at Remedy Biologics