The Award

Taighde Éireann – Research Ireland is the new national competitive research and innovation funding agency. The agency was established on August 1st, 2024, through the amalgamation of the activities and functions of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the Irish Research Council (IRC).

The SFI St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal has been awarded annually to a distinguished researcher or technology leader living and working in the USA with strong Irish connections. Running since 2014, the competition was expanded in 2016 to include a specific award for an industry leader. This year, the Research Ireland St Patrick’s Day Medal is being developed to recognise the contributions of academic and industry leaders in the US across every discipline of research – from science and engineering to the arts, humanities and social sciences.

The industry and academic medals recognise individuals who are not only outstanding in their fields of expertise, but who also have demonstrably assisted researchers in Ireland in either academia or industry – via mentorship, supervision, collaboration, industrial development, entrepreneurship or who have made significant contributions to developing the research ecosystem in Ireland.

Nominations are now being sought for the Research Ireland St. Patrick’s Day Medal 2025.


Nominations must be submitted to by 5pm (Dublin local time) on Friday November 15th 2024.


Please email:

All nomination submissions must be made on the official nomination form.

The nomination submission must include:

  • Nominee details
  • Nominator details
  • Nominator support statement (max 2 pages)*
  • Nominee CV/Resume/Biography (max two pages)**
  • Up to two letters of support may also be included

The deadline for receipt of nomination submissions is Friday, November 15th 2024. All submissions must be sent via email in .doc format to

Eligible nominations from the 2025 and subsequent calls will remain valid for a period of five years, including the year of nomination.

*Nominator support statements longer than two pages will, without exception, be cut off at the end of page two.
**CVs/Resumes/Biographies longer than two pages will, without exception, be cut off at the end of page two.

The nominee* must be an Irish** academic or industry leader who, at the time of the nomination, is living and working in the USA.

Academic Medal Specific Criteria

  • The nominee should be an outstanding academic researcher and recognised as one of the field-leaders in their discipline.
  • The nominee should hold or have held a full professorial position, or equivalent, at a major US research university.
  • The nominee should have contributed to academic and/or industrial development and/or sustainability of Ireland.


Industry Medal Specific Criteria

  • The nominee should be an inspirational business leader operating/have operated in a business sector that promotes and supports research and innovation.
  • The nominee should hold or have held a senior executive position in industry.
  • The nominee should have contributed to the academic, economic, social, cultural and/or environmental development and/or sustainability of Ireland.
*Self-nominations are not accepted
** Irish citizens, persons of Irish descent, persons entitled to Irish citizenship or persons with a strong historical and enduring connection to the research ecosystem in Ireland, including, but not limited to: mentorship, supervision and collaboration with Irish researchers/companies; supporting education and public engagement, industrial development or entrepreneurship in research in Ireland; and any other demonstrable contributions to Irish society or the economy within their field of research.

Each eligible nomination will be reviewed by the selection committee based upon the following criteria:

1.Research Excellence – Research Excellence as demonstrated through leadership in their field of endeavour, research impact (including the economic, social, cultural and environmental impact of their research) and measurable outputs such as citations and commercial outputs. Industry candidates should also reach the same levels of esteem both in their field of speciality and their industry accomplishments.

2.Global Recognition – Evidence of recognition of excellence at an international level as demonstrated through achievement of international awards, honours and membership of prestigious societies. Industry leadership and business success, particularly in the case of Industry candidates.

3.Engagement with Ireland – Evidence of the nominees’ commitment to the support of the research community and/or industry in Ireland and to Ireland’s wider economic development as evidenced through ongoing and meaningful collaboration, mentorship of Irish researchers/companies, national policy dialogue participation, representation of Irish research at an international level, etc.

Each nomination must meet a minimum threshold in each criterion in order to progress to the next stage of the process. The Selection Committee will evaluate the merit of all eligible nominees to help inform a final decision.

Medals will be awarded by the Taoiseach* during the official St Patrick’s Day Programme in the United States in March 2025.

*Subject to final programme arrangements by the Department of the Taoiseach




Academic Medal Recipient


Industry Medal Recipient


Prof Eamonn Keogh

University of California, Riverside

Mr John Hartnett

CEO SVG Ventures | Thive


Prof Paul K Whelton, Tulane University

Mr Paul Daugherty, Group Chief Executive - Technology and CTO, Accenture


Prof Donald McDonnell, Duke University

Patrick and John Collison, Stripe Founders


Prof William C Campbell, Drew University

Mr Vincent T Roche, President and CEO, Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI)


Prof Neville Hogan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dr Ann Kelleher, Technology Development Lead, Intel Corporation


Prof Eamon Quigley, Houston Methodist Hospital

Mr Mike Mahoney, CEO Boston Scientific


Prof Margaret Murnane, University of Colorado at Boulder

Mr David McCourt, Founder and CEO, Granahan McCourt Capital


Prof Adrian Raftery, University of Washington

Dr T. Pearse Lyons, Founder and President of Alltech


Prof Séamus Davis, ex Cornell University (UCC)

Dr Craig Barrett, ex Intel


Prof Katherine Fitzgerald, University of Massachusetts



Dr Garret FitzGerald, University of Pennsylvania