
Since launching in 2012, the SFI Research Centres programme has transformed the research ecosystem in Ireland and enhanced Ireland’s international reputation. Research Centres have delivered research excellence in areas of national priority and are developing a pipeline of talented researchers with critical, in demand skills. They have created an environment where multi-institutional and multidisciplinary collaborations are now the norm, and where academia engages in deeply collaborative research partnerships with indigenous and multinational industries to deliver internationally-leading research, cutting edge technologies and advancements. SFI Research Centres have also undertaken engagement with, and facilitated the participation of, a broad range of stakeholders including civil society and community groups with their research. 

Building upon the success of the programme to date, SFI has now developed a revamped and enhanced SFI Research Centres programme that further optimises the programme for the future. The development of this revised programme was informed by deep consultation over a number of years with groups including Government and the public sector, industry, and the higher education and research system. 

SFI’s vision is the development of a dynamic, cohesive and streamlined ecosystem of SFI Research Centres that are international beacons of scientific excellence, bringing together a critical mass of outstanding researchers to collaborate at a scale that will yield national and international impact. In partnership with industry, government and civil society, Centres will deliver systemic impact, providing talent and innovative solutions to Ireland’s economic, societal and environmental challenges. SFI Research Centres will also integrate deep and impactful public engagement into the fabric and culture of the Centre, which will bring significant value to the research, the researchers and all those working in the Centre, and deliver benefit for public good. 

The programme is open to applications that align with the National Research Priority Areas 2018-2023 and SFI’s remit. Applications must meet the eligibility criteria detailed in the call document.  

The primary objective of the SFI Research Centres programme is

  1. To deliver a programme of internationally-leading, excellent research, at both oriented basic and applied levels, led by a team of world-leading PIs and rising stars. 

Additional specific objectives include

  1. To support collaboration between Higher Education Institutes across Ireland to build a truly collaborative, dynamic, cohesive and streamlined ecosystem of Research Centres, in areas of national importance. 
  2. To engage in deeply collaborative research partnerships with industry that will deliver cutting-edge technologies and advancements, increase private investment in research, and support the growth of small and medium enterprises. 
  3. To deliver a programme of deep, purposeful public engagement, to embed practices, including engaged research, in the fabric and culture of research teams, and to strengthen research itself through learnings from engagement activities. 
  4. To deliver systemic impact, providing innovative solutions to Ireland’s economic, societal and environmental challenges, in partnership with industry, government and civil society. 
  5. To foster excellent, diverse and interdisciplinary research teams, with support, training and progression at all levels, to advance early-career researchers, and to develop the workforce of tomorrow. 
  6. To improve equality, diversity and inclusion in the leadership team and at all levels of the research team, recognising that diversity is integral to research excellence. 
  7. To take action to reduce the climate and environmental footprint of research. 
  8. To leverage significant investment in research from other funding sources, and grow Ireland’s international presence and leadership in research networks. 
SFI Research Centres Programme 2023 Key Dates


26th September 2023, 10:00 Dublin local time

Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest

1st November 2023, 13:00 Dublin local time

Deadline for submission of Pre-Proposals

13th December 2023, 13:00 Dublin local time

Deadline for submission of Full Proposals

25th September 2024, 13:00 Dublin local time

Applicant Teams intending to submit an application to the SFI Research Centre Programme 2023 call must provide an Expression of Interest (EoI) to centres@sfi.ie no later than 1st November 2023, 13:00 Dublin, Ireland local time. This information is mandatory. Any Pre-Proposal submitted where an EoI has not been provided will be rejected without review. A template for submission of an EoI can be found below. This template must be used.

Pre-Proposals and Full Proposals are to be submitted via SESAME, SFI’s online grants and awards management system. If accessing SESAME for the first time, applicants should contact their local Research Office to get access to the system. 

For more information, view the SFI Research Centre Programme 2023 call document (see downloads) and SESAME User Guides.


SFI held a webinar on 26th September 2023 to discuss the main points of the SFI Research Centres programme call 2023. You will find the slides that were presented at this webinar here:

Webinar Slides (PDF)


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