2012 Research Centres (AMBER, APC, Insight, IPIC, Infant, SSPC and MaREI)

SFI’s Agenda 2020 strategy aims to position Ireland as a global knowledge leader. A key objective of Agenda 2020 is to develop a set of world-leading, large-scale Research Centres that will provide major economic impact for Ireland.  The SFI Research Centres Programme was launched in 2012 to achieve this objective.  Furthermore, Innovation 2020, Ireland’s five-year strategy on research and development, science and technology, has a commitment to “further develop the network of Centres, building critical mass and addressing enterprise needs”.  Seven Research Centres were funded as a result of the first Research Centres Call in 2012. These seven 2012 Research Centres were awarded funding to run from June 2013 to June 2019.  In this current call, they now have the opportunity to apply for a second phase of funding (Phase 2) for the period July 2019 to June 2025.  This call document describes: the objectives of the programme; the eligibility criteria; the documentation required; the submission process; the review criteria and the decision-making process.


There are two key documents which are required as part of the submission process: a Progress Report and a proposal for Phase 2 funding.  Submissions will only be accepted through SESAME, SFI's Grants and Awards Management System.  As part of the application process, the Lead Applicant will be guided to complete a number of fields in SESAME.  They will then be prompted to upload two documents in pdf format:

  • Progress Report
  • Phase 2 Proposal

Deadline for submission of full proposals: June 14th 2017, 13:00 Ireland local time


Full details on the proposal and submission requirements may be found in the proposal call documentation. Please read the documentation carefully in advance of queries and submission.

  • Call for Proposals (PDF)
  • Progress Report Template (Word)
  • Phase 2 Proposal Template (Word)
  • Guidance on Ethical and Scientific Issues Feb 2017 (PDF)
  • CV template (Word)
  • Point of Clarification- Testimonials/Case studies (PDF)
  • Point of Clarification- Budget Justification for Targeted Projects (PDF)
  • Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
  • Webinar recording (Link)
  • Webinar Presentation (PDF)
  • Webinar II SESAME Demo Recording (Link)
  • Checklist (Word)

SFI reserves the right to make amendments to the documents if required. Research Offices will be contacted in the event of any updates to the call documentation.

As detailed in the Call for Proposals, all proposals are to be submitted via SESAME, SFI’s online grants and awards management system

If accessing SESAME for the first time, researchers should contact their local Research Office to be set up on this system.

SESAME information web page.

Queries on the SESAME management system should first be directed to your Institution’s Research Office. If still unresolved, please submit a support ticket on your portal (by clicking the Support Icon) with a detailed description of your issue. If you wish to submitted an issue/query submit via SESAME.

For programme-related queries please contact centres@sfi.ie