Establishment of Taighde Éireann - Research Ireland
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A teacher standing over students as they use the classroom computer

Impactful Training

Our free Continous Professional Development (CPD) training is for all primary school teachers, regardless of their own level of science training. We share how STEM can be taught and applied across a wide range of subjects in a practical, and interactive way.

100% of principals said our CPD training increased school confidence in teaching science

77% of teachers said our CPD training positively changed the way they teach science.

"These workshops have provided an abundance of ideas for exciting lessons and I feel much more confident about teaching Science."
- participant of our teacher CPD
Students and a teacher sit around a table and take notes while studying a specimen

About CPD Training

Learn more about what to expect from our free Curious Minds/ESERO training for primary school teachers.

About CPD Training
Teacher laughing with students as they cut up plastic for art supplies

School CPD Training

Register your school for our free SFI Curious Minds/ESERO CPD training course. We deliver three two-hour workshops for all staff.

School CPD Training
A teacher showing two students how to fix or set up a mini robotic arm

Individual CPD Training for Teachers

Curious Minds CPD workshops for teachers are available through education centres across the country.

Individual CPD Training

Continuous Professional Development

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