A key goal within SFI’s Agenda 2020 strategy is to build strategic partnerships that fund excellent science and drive it out into the market and society. Partnership approaches will enhance the delivery of SFI’s strategy through leveraging its investment and capability to the maximum extent possible.

The SFI Partnership Schemes aim to provide a flexible mechanism by which SFI can build strategic collaborations with key partners such as industry, funding agencies, charities, philanthropic organisations or higher education institutes (HEIs) with the goal of co-funding outstanding opportunities. The schemes will co-fund projects or people (for a limited time) to aid development and retention of talented researchers, foster industrial collaborations and develop capacity in areas of current and emerging economic importance. Significant co-funding opportunities within all areas covered by SFI’s legal remit will be considered, including the 14 areas of national priority as defined in the Report of the Research Prioritisation Steering Group.

 The specific objectives of the SFI Partnership Schemes are to:

  • Support excellent research with strong potential for delivering economic and/or societal impact
  • Support development of areas of economic importance
  • Build stronger, more direct relationships with research-based industry
  • Transfer technology from academia to industry
  • Support enhanced training of researchers in areas of importance to the industrial sector
  • Maximise the state investment in research through leveraging of non-exchequer funding, including funding available through Horizon 2020
  • Encourage convergence across disciplines
  • Develop and utilise national testbed facilities
  • Support the attraction [and retention] of talented researchers
  • Build stronger links with other key stakeholders and end-users of research

SFI provides two Partnership schemes:

1. Competitive Joint Funding Partnership Programmes
2. Strategic Partnership Programme

Please click on the links above to access specific details relating to each scheme. If you would like to discuss either scheme further, please contact partnerships@sfi.ie.